3 Essential MUST HAVE Strategies for Investors
1. Entering strategy
2. Exiting strategy
3. Re-entering
It about buying
It about making
Right kind of
Choosing right
sectors. avoidng wrong sectors for e.g. fmcg and pharma and not telecom.
Avoiding all-time
unfavorable sectors such as pulp and paper, plantations etc.
Use of technical
analysis if/while investing in a bull market.
A review of situation
and impact of other markets, for e.g. bond market, commodities market etc.
-why to invest?
Target/goal of investing, gains, speculative gains, dividend.
Deciding whether Economic recovery in sight or more pain for capital markets?
Comparison with other asset classes
Are valuations cheap or there is bubble element.
Target/goal of investing, gains, speculative gains, dividend.
Deciding whether Economic recovery in sight or more pain for capital markets?
Comparison with other asset classes
Are valuations cheap or there is bubble element.
-Where to invest?
Sectors to pick and sectors to drop
Intra sector and stock selection i.es to chose between an l and t and bhel.
Sectors to pick and sectors to drop
Intra sector and stock selection i.es to chose between an l and t and bhel.
-how to invest?
Allocation of capital amongst stocks, sectors, intrasector and other classification.
Allocation of capital amongst stocks, sectors, intrasector and other classification.
When to book profits.
Of What use the paper
profits are?
When markets are
fundamentally over priced and technically also.
The best way is to
look for macro factors for overheating signals.
Also look for
behavioral indicators such as excessive euphoria such as p/e ratios soaring to
50-100 and even more. And floods of IPOs over subscribing by several times with
no justification for such a valuation of its business.
How much return should
be a threshold for booking profit-50% or less or more? How much for individual
stock and how much for the combined portfolio?
Oh oh …you may miss
20-30 pc market rise, but if you know the top, please let us know too.!
- Your targeted return
has arrived or not.
Better opportunity in
other sectors/stocks/asset class or shifting to debt or bank fd.
Valuations entering
into bubble zone.
Strategy to exit NEAR
top (and not AT top, which is not possible for all)
Making sure of your
bull market PROFITS DOESNT remain ONLY ON PAPERS. (which happens with more than
70 percent of retail investors.)
When will you reenter
into stocks?
May be you just wait
and watch with cash during the bear market or you may invest into commodities
or other asset class during this period.
Time for value buying.
Buying stocks at real
real throw away prices in a completely distressed and panic driven markets.
Having courage, confidence, vision and insight to do so.
The new economic
policies, new themes of investing.
Rise of some sectors
while fall of few others.
Reentering in wrong
sector may give bitter experience at the start such as investing in telecom in
this new bull market began in 2009.
Invest more and more
when markets have corrected beyond 40 percent of its previous bull market high.
- Market trading at or
below fair valuations like average p/e, historic p/e, historic low earnings,
Worst and pain coming
to be over
Valuations becoming
Your targeted downside
in prices and valuations achieved.
Readiness to bear
notional loss up to 20 percent and readiness to average at further declines.
Strategies of entering
NEAR Bottom (and not bottom)
Readiness to take
contrarian call.
Readiness to go
against the crowd.
Close observation of
macro economic cariables, monetary policy hanges, and your targeted companies
for investment.
Remaining ready with a
list of your targeted companies and their prices at which you will buy, Making
sure we may be early but not late in the bull party.
o Portfolio building strategy.
o Portfolio monitoring strategy.
o Diversification strategy. Within asset class
i.e. equity.
o Asset allocation strategy. Between asset
o Portfolio shuffling strategies.