How handful of people ate the
cream of Indian Economic Growth! Ajim Premji, A Case Study: And Why You Are
Responsible For Your Own Financial Good and Bad In This Age:

point we are discussing here is however distinct.
What we want to throw light is here that how
handful of promoters have ate the cream of privatization and benefited from the
liberalization of the economy.
will take only one example or case study
here. The IT sector is one of the major beneficiary of the liberalization
process. Wipro has been among the top 5 IT companies among Infosys, TCS, Patni,
Satyam, Tech Mahindra and a couple others.
top 5 companies were garnering and monopolized and say enjoyed 60% (in fact of
the benefit of growth of IT sector. Thus, Wipro shared 12% of this. Now this
will translate into 6% of the IT sector’s growth benefit going to Wipro alone
out of the entire 100% growth of the IT sector due to liberalization. The more
important part is still coming. Wipro promoter Ajim Premji held close to 90% in
the company (as on December 2012 also the promoters hold about 80%). Thus, out
of the 6% of the entire IT sector growth in India that occurred due to
liberalization, Wipro alone earned 6% and out of the 6%, 90% i.e. 5.4% benefit
solely went to Ajim Premji & Sons! (You can find such case in almost all

so what? So far so good till here. Let us skip and ignore if we believe and say
that there were corruption, and kinsman ship in giving out the benefits of the
asset that we talked about like telecom spectrum, the latest example, and the
mines and so on. We cannot do anything about it. It will remain part of the
life. What could an average Indian have done about the telecom spectrum scam?
What can you do about the coal block and the oil and gas block allocation? If
someone has the capacity to bid for spectrum, they are most welcome, it’s free
to bid for everyone. All are free to do any business and take benefit big time.
The average investor/small investor/retail investor is not barred from bidding
for a public sector undertaking which is on sale, no. But they can’t.

are not criticizing Ajim Premji, in fact his entrepreneurial ability is
praised. It was the responsibility of the government and capital market
regulator to see that the fruits of economic growth is distributed as much
equally as much possible among the citizens of the country. That is what the
Constitution of India also contends.
is only the story of one sector. You may find similar incident in other sector
and industry also. The story applies to geographical spaces as well.
undo this, the government has now specified a minimum public float of 25%. It
has been extending the date of this public float requirement since last 2
years. This June 2013 is again last date to comply with the same. However, that
said, as mentioned above, it is also your responsibility that you benefit by
investing in sectors and the leading companies or growing companies. Or invest
in whole market by buying index funds or others.
conclusion for retail investor is that it cannot rely on slack and slow
government follow-ups. The retail
investor has to awaken and start investing in stock markets. He can start
with an SIP in Index funds of top 100 companies or diversified fund or can hire
a good professional advisor and start investing directly into stocks. The law
economics says the long term rate of interest are always in declining mode.
That said, the fixed deposits rates will always come down. Do you remember in
last 15-20 years, the fixed deposit rates have come down from 15-20% to now
less than 9%? And this well continue to decline. Capitalism is not going anywhere,
retail investors must accept the change and make money work for them.
will elaborate how Indian Government also wants to take off the burden of
depositors from its shoulder and wants to push everyone to invest in equity
markets by bringing in new pension scheme, the rajiv Gandhi equity scheme for
attracting new investors, the liberalization of mutual fund and insurance
industry and allowing full FDI in them and so on. Just imagine how many rupees
are going to come in markets in coming days? Suppose, in 20 years of
liberalization the Indian markets have growth
How the government/Indian
economy’s rating and companies will benefit and you will lose?:
the same breath, we also make you notice how government has increased the
prices of fuels like oil, gas and wants to decrease its burden in terms of
subsidy also. Who will benefit and who will lose? Of course, the companies who
sell this things will benefit. The government will benefit by way of low
deficit and thus rating of India will improve and consequently the foreign fund
flow will improve. The losers will be those who will rely on their present
income from job and business. They are going to be hurted by inflation in mid
to long term and those who invest in equities in any way will cover themselves from
inflation and also get extra return on their equity investments. Please read
separate article on effects of inflation and the power of compounding (in fact
the first objective for investing is to save ones money from decreasing in
value from inflation and then get a return/interest on it if any)
hope you got the entire point of this article. That is, you need to be invested
in equities. There is no alternative to it if you want to prosper financially.