What Is A Stock Or a Share? What Is A Stock Market or Stock Exchange?

What is a Stock or Share?
A stock or Share can be simply defined as a share or ownership into a business which has been formed under a legal registered company.
It is an ownership part. For example ABC Industries Ltd has 1 lakh equity shares.  Suppose Mr.A owns this shares are the owner of the company and so its profit and loss. 
A share is also known as ‘equity’, ‘stock’, ‘scrip’, ‘counter’ also in stock market parlance.

What is a Stock Exchange?
A stock exchange or Share Market is nothing but a place or platform where companies’ shares are listed (listed means –the company has completed formality so that everyday buy and sale can be allowed of its shares on the stock exchange)
In India there are mainly 2 stock exchanges. One is NSE and another is BSE. Notably BSE is world’s 2nd oldest and Asia’s oldest stock exchange. This shows that Indians were one of the pioneers in investments in the world.

I don’t know much, I don’t have a demat or trading account yet?

No problem. Simply contact us and we will guide you through opening a demat account and trading account and explain you how stock investing works, the important Dos and Don’ts.