Why choose ProInvestorIndia.com for investment advice?

Why choose ProInvestorIndia.com for investment advice?

·         ProInvestorIndia.com has expert fundamental analyst, economic analyst with experience across bull and bear markets. Our experts are highly qualified like CA, CS, CFA, CFP, CMT, MBA Finance, Ph.D. We use freelance experts as well for best research reach.
·         We have coverage of 95% of the business sectors with 90% of the listed companies’ fundamental research.
·         Our analysts have successfully forecasted market movements and stock recommendations in worst performing markets while never missed to make maximum benefit for our members in bull markets.
·         Strong belief in wealth creation by investment rather than trading.
·         Strong background of successful stock picking.

Our core philosophy remains…
o   Remain invested in markets.
o   Keep shuffling your portfolio according to market and economy conditions.
o    Stay attune with value investing principles of Warren Buffet style
o    Bet on multi-baggers carefully as there are not many of them neither you have unlimited capital for them.
o    Take benefit of present intermediate trend (flavor of the season) while sitting tight with core investing principles such as value investing, timely booking profits in such intermediate trend investment.
o    Adding into ‘longer-term’ stocks on declines.
o    Largely staying clear of IPOs.
o    Look out for good mutual fund schemes for investing in international equities, international real estate, commodities stocks, and commodities themselves.
o    Bear Markets don’t long last in general, but can do so in particular (sector/stock specific)
o    Mid-caps are better than smallcaps, and many largecaps in growing economy such as India are in fact still Midcaps.
o    Being Contrarian investors ‘pains’ heavily in the short-medium term, but it ‘pays’ heavily in the long-run.
o    Do not take long-term investment picks based on technical nalysis (Those who see charts to give recommendations). Meaning don’t take investment advice from technical analysts, take trading advice from them.
o    Thrust on elements of ‘Behavioural Finance’ ((the psychological aspects of individual participant and crowd in markets) while understating markets and movements.
o    Always remaining prepared with the ‘3 Essential Strategies for investors’
o    Strong belief in ‘Portfolio investing’ approach

Most of investment advisory sites (including the so-called top 3) offers services which merely throws stock recommendations randomly at times when they want via email and web logins. These people think that investors are always ready with money at any time to invest in stocks that they recommend. This is stupid assumption. Also, they do not care about ‘how much money to invest in each’ and such other crucial questions.

We at PROINVESTOR understand that the investors need precise advise when he should and when he wants. Investor does not want ramdom stock pickings every week now and then. Investors ultimately want to make money in the short, medium and long run; build wealth and fulfill their financial goals by financial planning through equity investments. That’s what they want. Not the fancy products of fancy sites which throws stock recommendation every now and then and does nothing to address the real need of investors. AGAINST ALL THAT Proinvestor’s approach, products and process is completely different and no-nonsense. We think about individual to individual customer. Because that’s what they are. An individual customer. An individual person.